Thursday, December 3, 2015

Time Capsule - part #1

November marked the ten year anniversary of living in our home so we decided to make a time capsule to commemorate this special occasion. 

We filled the box up with pictures, our favourite magazine (WORLD), a newspaper from that day, our school update, coins from 2015, and coins from the different years we were born. We included a speech I had written about living beside my parents, a story of our attempt at growing grapes, and we recorded our heights and the prices of groceries and gas. 

I wrote a short paragraph of each of our boys and included a sheet where all of our extended family members live.

I spent some time writing a speech to include in the time capsule and had a great picture in my head of me reading the speech to attentive boys and then Adam closing in prayer. In my mind, this was going to be a real "treasure of a memory" for these kids in their formative years; something they would look back on and tell their kids about. 
And then reality. As I was reading the speech, I could sense movement and anything but focused attention.
When I looked at the pictures, my thoughts were confirmed...

After my speech, which really wasn't long, Adam double bagged the box and we "buried" it under our front porch.

We were thankful our brother and sister-in-law Bret and Alicia were over -they managed to capture this memory on camera. 
It is hard to imagine what it will be like opening this time capsule in 20 years from now. We will have kids in their thirties...possibly grandchildren...its just crazy....I love the age the kids are now and would gladly freeze this stage; but the years keep on marching on and for now we will just keep on making memories!

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