Wednesday, July 25, 2012

wordless wednesday

Tyler knows that he is not allowed to climb onto the counter. This time he got caught in the act...he couldn't move.
Flies are terrible, so you know that you are desperate to get rid of them when you hang one of these ugly fly strips right above your kitchen island. Most of the time I remember to move it before company comes:)

Liam in a profound manner told me
that there was no way that Adam and Eve had flies in their house.
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  1. I hung one of those on the outside of the door, so the flies couldn't get in. Thought it was a good idea until Dad met the fly strip head on. My sense of humor went into overdrive, whereas Dad didn't see the humour.

  2. HA! Hilarious! Try adding a few cows to the property! We did move our recycle bins outside of the garage and this seems to have helped a bit. Not that the kids who do the "recycle sorting job" love the walk out to the trailer! They are gross. (PS...Thanks again for the visit this week...I think you were about 1 minute down the road when Gideon proclaimed "I'm booorrrrredddd!") Have a good one!

  3. Laughing again!! (and the flies are rather obnoxious this year aren't they!!!)
