On Sunday's after supper, we take the opportunity to read good and wholesome books to our children. I wanted to share a few of the books that we have read through and have loved.
We are ENJOYING this Spurgeon book right now. This is one for your own personal bookshelf. The short chapters are easy to understand with great depth and vivid illustrations. Spurgeon had a gift of finding deep meaning in the every day and this is a book that our whole family has loved reading through and has helped create some great discussions. I highly recommend it! (The book does make the assumption that you are from England, so you may have to do a little explaining to the younger ones explaining their currency and such.)
Each one of these Miller books have been read through and enjoyed. The missionary stories especially have sparked interest and it has been good to read about the different places where man has been called to serve.
We would love it if Christine Farenhorst would write some more amazing stories to share with us!
These three books written by William Boekestein captured our attention. He did a fantastic job relaying history in a way that children could understand and at the same time show how God divinely orchestrated events so that the confessions, creeds, and catechism could be written and taught.

Joel Beeke's devotional series for children has been well received and our two oldest have read the series multiple times since we bought them.
And I just had to tell you about these DVDs. Wonderful! The footage is great, the information beneficial, and best of all God's name is continuously praised. These are great for all ages!