My grandpa turned 87 at the end of September. Heather & I had tea with my grandparents & I just kept on thinking that here I was at 31 years old enjoying a visit with both of my grandparents. Most often they come over to our homes because their house if far from childproof!
We spent an afternoon at my cousins, Jake & Ally. They back onto the grand river so the guys went canoeing while Ally & I had a nice stroll through the neighbourhood. The boys loved visiting there & so did we!
DoorsOpen in Grimsby. These colourful homes along the lake where once a spot of a major spiritual revival. I am not sure of all of the history but there was a building built for boys of all ages. They received Biblical instruction and guidance. These colourful homes remain but I cannot not imagine choosing the paint and painting every little area of these homes.
Next stop. "Our Gate to your Plate Farm." How about that for a name! This was a great spot for the boys & it got my imagination running too. I am a want-to-be farmer & I envision our boys cheerfully running outside early in the morning to do their chores. Wearing colourful boots, even though there wouldn't be any mud in always bright sunny weather. The reality is that we are really good at growing weeds and some of the animals that we've had in the past have had tragic endings.
The laying hens live in a retro trailer out in the field. I love it!
The boys got to throw rotten apples to the pigs. The farmer said to throw about 10 apples but things got out of hand & before he could stay stop - everything was gone. The pigs had a feast.
I had to post these pictures. I was standing in Erik & Rachel's driveway when Erik drove up. He turned off their "good" van but the van kept on making a loud, strange noise. It sounded like something was about to blow.
It is one thing when you have a vehicle go bad, but in the meantime, Nate and Olivia were twirling in front of their other van. This van didn't look like it was going to go too far either. Talking about a bad day!
Erik explaining the van situation to Rachel. The fact was they would have to start biking around unless at least one van got fixed:)