Monday, October 22, 2012

the giggles

the giggles....

they come at the most inopportune time ~ church, family devotions, sitting in a class
they come up most unexpectedly, and give no warning
as a slow smile begins to spread across your face;
your shoulders begin to shake, you begin to sweat, you agonize why you wore such a bright coloured shirt so that everyone can see you shaking, you try to think of a sobering thought, you pinch yourself, you try to smother the giggles with a cough and it comes out more like a snort - just to add to the awefuless of it all, it is a horrid feeling as the giggles sweep over you

Growing up with all sisters there were many fits of giggles and it usually happened when my dad was trying to read the Bible after supper. My dad would look to my mom for support only to see her shoulders shaking and her face turning red from trying to keep the giggles in. You see, us girls came by it honestly. When we were in trouble we would only have to give mom our mastered look and she could no longer discipline us. She had a hard time trying to look angry at us and at the same time trying not to smile. So my mom, in great wisdom, would tell us to turn around and then she would turn around and that is how we would get our lecture. Back to back. Some of you are probably thinking that this explains it all! I do not ever remember walking out of church because of a bathroom need but I do remember on a few occasions walking out because I could not stop laughing. I am sure that my sisters have the same story.
Our boys often have fits of laughter and it frustrates Adam to no end especially because he has no support from me. I tell him that my dad had to put up with much worse but that doesn't seem to help matters. I tell him that the boys also come by it honestly and the sad thing is that the giggles are with you for life. The one good thing is that our boys haven' t mastered "the look" yet. They still get in trouble without me trying to hide a smirk.  Adam tells me that the giggles are all about control. I tell him that you can no more control the giggles than you can control "the runs". The giggles are that uncontrollable!


  1. Only a nurse would use a bodily function as an example...;) You made my day with this story, I can just imagine (you especially)!!

  2. Too funny Carrie! your posts always make me laugh. thanks for sharing.
    Monica P

  3. Ha! I can relate to this - except it is my mom especially who always gets the giggles at the most in opportune times - and her daughters (and daughters in law) if they are around, do nothing to help the situation! I sent her the link to this post right away and she had a good laugh. My dad thinks just like Adam, so it was just a perfect fit for her!

  4. I can identify completely and can picture it all :) Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh brings back memories of growing up with sisters, our poor dads :-)

  6. Hilarious! I too suffer from the giggles on occasion. Most of the time it's the best feeling, but sometimes, not so much!

  7. I can relate! Often we would read the Bible for devotions hours later because the giggles were uncontrollable!

  8. Our whole family also suffers from this great "affliction":) I seem to get it at the most inopportune times! But I come by it honestly. My Aunt was once at a funeral, there was someone playing the violin, and it was very squeaky. She got the giggles and couldn't stop laughing, which was especially bad since she was the ministers wife...He kept poking her trying to get her to stop, but she couldn't. That story always cracks me up:)

  9. And I thought it was only my sister who got the giggles at funerals, Jo! (Actually, I probably would have gotten the giggles as well when the minister kept referring to "our dear ______ " (deceased person) by the wrong name!

    Kerri, I already knew you were a kindred spirit, but this is further confirmation. Even this very day, I, a grown woman who ought to have herself well under control, got the giggles in church, and had to hide my face in my husband's shoulder. When we came out of church I told Holly about what set me off, and in the relief of no longer needing to hold back I wound up laughing till I cried...

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